
středa 15. srpna 2012

Labiofam - lék proti rakovině



Ave. Independencia, Km 16 1/2, Boyeros, Havana, Cuba
Phone: +537 683 0326 / 683 0391
Fax: +537 683 0326.


Homeopathic biotherapic whose active principle is the venom from the scorpion Rhopalurus junceus, an endemic Cuban species.
This homeopathic medication has improved the quality of life and survival of cancer patients, providing pain relief in addition to improving their symptoms. The use of Vidatox 30CH prevents the undesirable symptoms produced by the cytostatic drugs and ionizing radiations to which cancer patients are usually subjected.
The venom from the Cuban scorpion Rhopalurus junceus has been shown to have antitumoral and antimetastatic activity on solid tumors. It, therefore, represents a potential therapeutic alternative for the treatment of neoplastic disease in humans.
It is a potentially non-toxic product that is taken orally Its use does not exclude or limits other conventional measures of the oncological treatment; its simultaneous use can indeed have a  synergic or potentiator effect on the anti tumoral activity. The application of VIDATOX® 30 CH in patients suffering from cancer in different organs and phases has:
·         Improved the quality of life
·         Improved symptoms
·         Relived pain
·         Prolonged survival

Product available in Argentina


Nutritional supplement obtained by blending extracts from banana pseudostem sap, Aloe barbadensis, majagua flowers, propolis tincture, honey and vitamin C; all conferring this formulation unique anti-oxidant properties. To be used both as a prophylactic and as adjuvant for existing treatments.
This product is indicated for patients with severe immunological disorders, especially those involving the respiratory tract (bronchial asthma, asthmatic bronchitis, and catarrhal states).


Nutritional supplement obtained from banana pseudostems and marketed under the ACITAN brand. With a high content of dietary fiber and trace elements, it presents essentially active functions participating in a necessary and continued fashion on the transformations of living matter.
This supplement has been successfully used by persons suffering from ulcerative colitis, gastritis, gastrointestinal disorders and gastric, peptidic and duodenal ulcers, among other pathologies.


This is a nutritional and dietary supplement prepared by blending banana pseudostem sap, propolis tincture, honey, vitamin C, iron, minerals and proteins.
It is indicated for persons undergoing gastrointestinal or immune disorders often associated with chronic or infectious processes.
This immunomodulator and nutritional tonic increases appetite and restores the nutritional state of the patient.

VR-2000   (Vino Reconstituyente)


Suplemento dietético que por su contenido de hierro hemínico y otros minerales, polipéptidos y aminoácidos, eleva los niveles de hemoglobina en caso de anemia ferropénica y contribuye a mejorar los estados de convalecencia y de inmunodepresión.

Diseñado para niños y adultos en general


Nutritional supplement composed of a propolis mixture in hydro alcoholic solution, containing bioactive substances for every milliliter (ml) of tincture.
This is a product for oral or topical administration, indicated as a prophylactic or an adjuvant during the treatment of patients with immune pathologies associated with infectious or chronic disorders, hypercholesterolemia, giardiasis and tonsillitis.

Combination of equine protein hydrolysates, honey, heme iron, proteins, vitamins and minerals acting as a preservative. It constitutes an efficient formulation for increasing blood hemoglobin levels.
Over two decades of research have demonstrated that Ferrical does not cause intolerances or resistances, helping instead to metabolize the minerals ingested during daily meals.
This natural and organic product minimizes the negative effects of iron deficiency anemias and, conveniently for its use during pregnancy, does not reduce blood zinc levels. Ferrical is an important aid for improving the condition of convalescent or immunodeficient patients, increasing appetite and restoring an adequate nutritional state.


The Nutrivin, a natural product made based fructose syrup and sugar, hydrolysed protein, which has a high consumption by top athletes primarily for the purpose of increasing hemoglobin.
Another center medicines honey, propolis is used as a preservative in the airways, toning and regenerative in cases of weakness.

It comes in 500 mL bottles with 12 months shelf life.
It should be shaken before taken and requires cold storage after opening. It has to be taken three times a day (30 mL) away from food; this dose may vary according to each person's requirements.
VIMANG range of products extracted from the bark of mango trees (Mangifera indica, L.) and sold under the Vimang brand. They have been shown to have the following properties:
Antioxidant: their antioxidant capacity matches or outperforms that of vitamins C, E and beta-carotenes.
Anti-inflammatory and analgesic: used either orally or topically, Vimang products have been shown to have these effects during the acute, late and chronic stages of muscular and osteo-articular inflammation.
Immunomodulator: shown to relieve the pathological increases in immunoglobulins G and E that are commonly observed in allergic disorders. Have no effect on the synthesis of antibodies (immunoglobulin M).

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